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The Oort cloud and the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt are two main reservoirs
that supply new comets to the inner region of the Solar System. Some of
the cometary nuclei demonstrate significant activity at heliocentric
distances beyond 5 au. It is of great interest to determine the reasons
for this. Since 2011 we have provided a comprehensive program of
polarimetric, photometric, and spectral investigations of active distant
comets at the 6-m telescope BTA. We present the results of broadband
polarimetric measurements for seven distant comets C/2011 S1 (LINEAR),
C/2011 R1 (LINEAR), C/2014 A4 (SONEAR), C/2013 V4 (Catalina), C/2012 J1
(Catalina), C/2011 KP36 (Spacewatch), and C/2014 B1 (Schwartz) which
have perihelion distances of more than 3 au. The comets show significant
activity beyond the Jovian orbit. Polarization maps of the comets
demonstrate spatial variations of linear polarization over the coma from
about –2% up to –7% at phase angles from 2 to 20 degrees that may be
related to changes in the physical properties of dust particles. Average
polarization values are significantly higher (in absolute values) than
the typical value of polarization (∼1.5%) observed for the whole coma of
most comets that approach closer to the Sun. Probably dust in distant
comets differs from the dust in short-period comets. We also compare the
polarimetric observational data with the results of numerical modeling
performed early for different types of dust aggregates.
Meeting ID: 896 7593 3678
Passcode: 334513
En esta charla haremos un repaso al modelo de desarrollo y puesta en producción del software de control del telescopio NRT, utilizando técnicas y procedimientos basados en la integración contínua de software, el uso de contenedores para ejecución de aplicaciones y la orquestación de servicios con kubernetes.
To understand the early phases of galaxy formation, metal-poor stars in the local universe play a special rôle, allowing to trace both how galactic assembly proceeds, and the conditions in which early star formation proceed. Metal-poor stars in our Galaxy and its satellites are fossils of these past processes and have therefore been the subject of intense dedicated searches and surveys since decades. Here I shall review some of the recent results that the « Pristine » narrow-band photometric survey at CFHT, has enabled, aided by the transformational information brought by the Gaia space mission. These results range from enravelling a very primordial disc in the Milky-Way, characterizing very pristine streams of stars in the galactic halo, and characterizing the co-existing halo and bulge populations in the inner parts of the Milky-Way. Finally, I will outline the plans to characterise further these extreme and very metal-poor stars with the new WEAVE multi-object facility that should start its science surveys early 2023.
To understand the early phases of galaxy formation, metal-poor stars in the local universe play a special rôle, allowing to trace both how galactic assembly proceeds, and the conditions in which early star formation proceed. Metal-poor stars in our Galaxy and its satellites are fossils of these past processes and have therefore been the subject of intense dedicated searches and surveys since decades. Here I shall review some of the recent results that the « Pristine » narrow-band photometric survey at CFHT, has enabled, aided by the transformational information brought by the Gaia space mission. These results range from enravelling a very primordial disc in the Milky-Way, characterizing very pristine streams of stars in the galactic halo, and characterizing the co-existing halo and bulge populations in the inner parts of the Milky-Way. Finally, I will outline the plans to characterise further these extreme and very metal-poor stars with the new WEAVE multi-object facility that should start its science surveys early 2023.
En esta sesión daremos un repaso a las funcionalidades básicas de la nueva herramienta de gestión de documentación del Área de Instrumentación, el Gestor Documental. Se trata de una aplicación basada en Alfresco, y desarrollada en EST, de la cual se ha hecho prácticamente un duplicado, adaptado con algunos requisitos nuevos. La idea es que dicha herramienta se pueda extender en su uso a cualquier otra área, o grupo del IAC, creando sus propias bibliotecas para archivo de documentación propia. Originalmente saldrá en operación con una biblioteca para el Archivo de Instrumentación, y varias otras para IACTEC.
Se empezará repasando la manera en la que hemos estado utilizando la herramienta del Archivo de Instrumentación actual, vigente desde hace muchos años, y pasaré a continuación a mostrar, directamente en la nueva herramienta, la nueva manera de archivar y consultar la documentación. Será una sesión plenamente práctica
Tras presentar algunas peculiaridades de los entrelazamientos cuánticos, que acaban de recibir el premio Nobel de este año 2022, describiremos su utilización para garantizar el secreto de las comunicaciones y recorreremos las actividades que el IAC tiene en marcha en este campo.
ID de reunión: 889 8513 7664
After placing the Gaia mission in the context of current astrophysical research, the astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic data provided by the satellite, as presented in its third data archive, DR3, will be reviewed. Gaia third archive contains, in addition to the measurements from the satellite's instruments, an extensive set of astrophysical parameters derived by the DPAC data processing consortium, for stars, unresolved galaxies, and solar system objects. These parameters correspond to about 1.8 billion sources repeatedly observed by the satellite during the first 34 months of operation. In the case of the Milky Way stars, DR3 contains information for about 1% of its stars, which has made it possible, for the first time, to study the dynamics of the disk and the halo, and to reconstruct the tumultuous evolutionary history of our galaxy, which is etched in its halo. Studying the integrals of the motion and the orbital actions, some 15 episodes of accretion of other galaxies by our galaxy have been identified, which shows that our Galaxy is the result of billions of years of "galactic canibalism". Accretion phenomena and tidal current trails are frequently observed in other galaxies and show that our Universe evolves through a hierarchical formation of galaxies.
Meeting will be held online
Meeting ID: 874 5529 5473
Passcode: 941406
Como saben, el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias dispone del 50% de tiempo del Supercomputador de La Palma, usado principalmente por el Área de Investigación. Sin embargo, por diversos motivos, los equipos de ingeniería no se han prodigado en el uso de estos servicios.
Ahora bien, debido a algunas limitaciones de los recursos informáticos individuales, algunos compañeros de ingeniería (Instrumentación e IACTEC/EST) se están iniciando en el uso de estos recursos.
En esta charla daremos una visión general de los recursos de supercomputación del IAC, así como las herramientas que nos permitirían hacer uso de estos recursos.
Además, mostraremos algunos de los trabajos que "YA" se han realizado en supercomputación en ingeniería (Instrumentación e IACTEC/EST). Espero que esta charla anime a otros colegas de ingeniería a hacer uso de los recursos de supercomputación del IAC.
Enlace de Youtube
Durante los últimos 45 años, el grupo de Sismología Solar (y Estelar y Búsqueda de Exoplanetas) del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, ha estado observando ininterrumpidamente los patrones espaciales y temporales de vibración del Sol. He estado involucrado en esta increíble aventura durante los últimos 30 años, intentando relacionar las frecuencias de oscilación del sol con su estructura y dinámica internas. En este seminario, me gustaría mostrarles aquellos aspectos científicos, instrumentales y humanistas que más me han llamado la atención a lo largo de estos años, poniendo especial relevancia en las contribuciones del grupo de investigación y de su fundador, el profesor Teodoro Roca Cortés.
Una imagen estigmática es aquella libre de aberraciones ópticas. Es posible obtener sistemas formadores de imagen estigmáticos de manera analítica. Esas expresiones analíticas pueden utilizarse para diseñar numerosos sistemas ópticos desde cero.
The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are the closest example of a three-body
interacting system composed of the Milky Way (MW), the Large Magellanic Cloud
(LMC), and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Therefore, the unique opportunity
provided by their relative proximity allowed us to analyse with matchless detail
the dynamical and morphological evolution that a galaxy experience as a
consequence of the mutual gravitational interaction with its neighbors. In this
context, we performed a multi-faceted analysis, taking advantage of astrometric,
kinematics, and photometric data, with the main goal of unveiling the past
evolutionary path of the MCs and their intense interaction history. We tackled
this task by using two complementary approaches: (i) we adopted the properties
of the MCs star cluster (SC) system to get insights into their past evolution
and (ii) we probed the low-luminous regime of the outer regions of the MCs as
they are the most sensitive to recent or past tidal stripping events. I will
discuss the main outcomes up-to-date of this project and its future perspectives
in light of the new ongoing facilities.
Zoom link:
Meeing ID: 816 1768 6828
Passcode: 990310
Upcoming talks
- Properties and origin of thick disks in external galaxiesDr. Francesca PinnaThursday January 16, 2025 - 10:30 GMT (Aula)
- Seminar by Luigi TibaldoLuigi TibaldoTuesday January 21, 2025 - 12:30 GMT (Aula)