Previous Talks
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Talks series
Talks given as a series, several days seminars and workshops.
Curso de Python
Introduction to Python for astronomers.
Science with CanariCam
A 2 day workshop dealing with the science that can de done with CanariCam on the GTC. For details see the workshop website.
Course on elementary particle physics
3-day course on fundamental particle physics given by Prof. Fernando Cornet.
Red Temática "Spanish Virtual Observatory"
The second course organized by the Spanish Virtual Observatory that took place at the IAC in March 2010.
Annual conference organized by physics students at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)
Public talks given at the Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos.
Cosmology: Light and Shadows
A series of talks and discussions about Cosmology that will took place during the week of 18th July 2011 at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.
XXIII Canary Islands Winter School 2011
Winter School on Secular Evolution of Galaxies organized by the IAC, on November 2011, covering both theory and observation of secular galaxy evolution.
XXIV Canary Islands Winter School 2012
Winter School on Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing organized by the IAC, on November 2012, covering both theory and observation of gravitational lensing.
The Galaxy, Stellar Compositions and Dynamics
International School on Chemical Abundances, Dynamics, Surveys, Numerical Simulations and Stellar Populations of the Milky Way. Tenerife, September 2 to 6, 2013.
XXV Canary Islands Winter School 2013
Winter School on Cosmic Magnetic Fields organized by the IAC, on November 2013, providing an unifying view of magnetic fields in a widest range of astrophysical contexts.
XXVI Canary Islands Winter School 2014
Winter School focused on the application of Bayesian methods to inference in Astrophysics organized by the IAC, on November 3-14, 2014.
100xCiencia: Communicating Frontier Science
Encounter between journalists and science popularizers held on 7-9 october 2015 at La Palma, Canary Islands.
XXVII Canary Islands Winter School 2015
Winter School focused on High Time Resolution Astrophysics organized by the IAC, on November 9-20, 2015.
XXVIII Canary Islands Winter School 2016
Winter School focused on Solar System Exploration organized by the IAC, on 7th to 16th November 2016.
Introducción a la instrumentación para satélites de observación de la Tierra
Curso dirigido a estudiantes de Ingenierías y de Física de la Universidad de La Laguna, así como a personas emprendedoras y tituladas en estas materias e impartido por el equipo de ingeniería de IACTEC.
Cosmology School in the Canary Islands 2017
Cosmology School held in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, on 18-22 September 2017
XXX Canary Islands Winter School 2018
Winter School focused on Big Data Analysis in Astronomy, organized by the IAC on 4th to 10th November 2018.
SMACK: Short Meetings on Astro Computing Knowledge
Talks given in live demostration format on software and tools for astronomical research. Supported by EuroCC. Supplementary materials at gitlab.
IAU Commission G5 Talks
Talk organized within IAU Commission G5 (Stellar and Planetary Atmospheres)
A Live Devoted to Stellar Popullations
With this conference, we aim at putting together the latest advances in the understanding of the stellar content in galaxies, as well as identifying the challenges for the immediate future regarding both stellar population modeling and analysis with the largest telescopes and newest simulations. This will be the ideal benchmark to celebrate the profound personal and scientific contributions that Alexandre Vazdekis has made.
Upcoming talks
Adaptive Optics at W. M. Keck Observatory
Friday March 28, 2025 - 10:30
More upcoming talks
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