Previous Talks
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Talks categories
Talks separated into different astronomical categories.
Astrometry and celestial mechanics
Anything related with astrometry, celestial mechanics, occultations, reference systems and time.
Catalogs and data
Talks related with atlases, catalogues, ground or space-based surveys and virtual observatory tools.
Talks related with computing methods, languages, programming and software.
Talks related to the Cosmic Microwave background, theoretical cosmology and dark matter/energy
Talks related to quasars, types of galaxies, the local group, galactic classification, evolution, dynamics and structure.
General science and non-science
ISM and nebulae
Talks related to the interstellar medium, nebulae, abundances, HII regions and planetary nebulae.
Particle astrophysics, physical data and processes
Talks related to physical processes in physics, such as molecular, atomic, radiation processes. Also particle physics, high-energy astrophysics, cosmic rays, gamma rays, neutrino astrophysics, gravitation and relativistic processes.
Planetary systems
Talks about planets including minor planets, Earth and Moon and comets. Also talks related to planets in other solar systems (exoplanets).
Talks related to stars, both single or in binary/multiple systems, stellar objects such as brown dwarfs, compact objects, GRBs, X-ray binaries, pulsating stars or asteroseismology.
Telescopes and instrumentation
Talks related with astronomical instrumentation, telescopes, data methods and techniques.
The Galaxy
Talks related to our Galaxy, its formation, evolution and structure.
The Sun
Talks about the Sun and space weather.
Upcoming talks
Adaptive Optics at W. M. Keck Observatory
Friday March 28, 2025 - 10:30
More upcoming talks
Recent Colloquia
Large Instruments For Exoplanet Direct Imaging Studies beyon...
Prof. J. R. Kuhn
Asteroseismology in the Gaia Era: A New View of the Milky Wa...
Dr. Marc Pinsonneault
Neutral and molecular gas outflows as tracers of the impact...
Prof. Raffaella Morganti
Recent Talks
Simulación en Óptica Adaptativa: Introducción a OOPAO y s...
Nicolás Adrián Rodríguez Linares
The Mass Accretion Rate on Young Stellar Objects: the challe...
Dr. Eleonora Fiorellino
Durham Adaptive Optics (DAO) real-time controller
Dr. David Barr