Recent Talks
List of all the talks in the archive, sorted by date.
In this talk I will review my recent work using the MaNGA dataset. MaNGA is an IFU survey which provides high spatial and spectral resolution of ~10,000 galaxies for its final data release (DR17). The IFU observations allow to derive spatially resolved stellar populations for galaxies up to ~1.5Re. I will show results on the stellar population gradients (age, metallicity, alpha-elements) of early-type galaxies (ETGs) divided into lenticular (S0), fast-rotating and slow rotating ellipticals (FR-E, SR-E) and their implications for the formation of massive galaxies. I will also show results from the PCA analysis of the MaNGA spectra of the S0 population, pointing towards the existence of two distinct populations following different evolutionary tracks. I will discuss the impact of initial mass function gradients on the estimations of stellar mass and their effect on the values of mass/light effective radii. MaNGA observations have also been critical to identify a sample of ~20 hidden AGNs missed by integrated spectroscopic surveys (SDSS). Finally, I will show preliminary results on the identification of a relic galaxy candidate.
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Meeting ID: 830 0382 1615
Passcode: 439318
Accurate non-LTE modelling of stellar spectra, and thus the derivation of accurate stellar properties such as chemical composition, temperature, and surface gravity, depends on reliable atomic data. While inelastic electron collisions are very important even in FGK stars, the relative importance of the more abundant yet less efficient hydrogen collisions has for a long time been a major source of uncertainty. Over the last decades, considerable progress has been made on the theoretical side, as well as with experiments for the important charge transfer processes involving hydrogen, both covering a significant number of astrophysically important atoms. I will review this progress, and discuss where further progress might be needed.
Eclipse Foundation AISBL[1] is the biggest Open Source organization within the EU. It the home for over 400 projects[2] covering a wide range of knowledge areas. It also hosts 18 groups of companies (Working Groups) forming an ecosystem of over 300 organizations[3] that supports the development of many of these projects, as well as the creation of a variety of specifications within different industries.
Eclipse Foundation has a long history of fruitful relations with research and development projects[4] and organizations worldwide, and specifically in Europe.
During this session, an introduction of Eclipse Foundation will be delivered, insisting on our main value proposition, followed by a short description of some of the most relevant projects, especially in the area of Research, in which we are involved.
We will finalise the presentation describing how The Eclipse Foundation interacts with these R&D organizations and institutions as a needed requirement towards exploring together potential collaboration vectors in the near future.
En este seminario se dará una pequeña introducción al desarrollo de interfaces gráficas para GTC
In this seminar, we will explore how the development of imaging techniques, from the use of photographic plates in the 1930s to current CCD imaging, impacted the definition and measurement of galaxy size. We then propose an alternative, new physically motivated size definition based on the gas density threshold required for star formation that challenges our current understanding of the concept of galaxy size. The new physically motivated size measure can be adopted in upcoming deep, wide imaging surveys such as the LSST and ongoing efforts in preparation for this era will also be discussed.
Meeting ID: 875 3806 8288
Passcode: 393134
Mathematics of atmospheric fronts: S.Q.G.(Surface Quasigeostrophic Equation) is a relevant model to understand the evolution of atmospheric fronts. It represents also a mathematical challenge, because of its non-linear and non-local character, which illustrates the rôle of mathematics in the development of science.
This colloquium will be held in person in the Aula
Mechatronic imaging systems, used in scientific applications as well as in the high-tech industry, demand a continuous improvement of precision, range, as well as system bandwidth and speed. These challenging goals can be achieved only by a proper system integration, which requires an advanced mechatronic system design and highly sophisticated motion control. Example applications for the discussed mechatronic imaging systems are atomic force microscopes (AFM), wafer scanners, scanning laser and LIDAR systems, as well as adaptive optics and satellite ranging.
A proper system integration that utilizes the interplay between mechatronic system design and control design is key for achieving maximum performance of mechatronic systems in high-tech applications. Already at the system design phase all components involved in the specific application have to be considered. Examples for these components are the mechanical structure of the device, the power amplifier, the actuators, the sensors, electronics, and the real-time control system. To meet the demanding specifications, the final system, including all hard- and software components, has to be tailored to and optimized for each specific application.
La construcción de grandes telescopios requiere el desarrollo de sistemas de Óptica Adaptativa (AO) cada vez más sensibles y rápidos. Sin embargo, todo el esfuerzo invertido en estos desarrollos deja atrás la gran cantidad de telescopios de menor tamaño que aún son cruciales en las campañas de observación y a los que se les podría sacar un mayor rendimiento.
A lo largo de esta presentación hablaremos del prototipado de un sistema real de AO en visible, diseñado para el Telescopio Carlos Sánchez (TCS, 1.5m) y compatible con el Telescopio Óptico Nórdico (NOT, 2.5m), que puede mejorar las capacidades de fotometría y espectroscopía de estos telescopios, lo que nos permitirá trabajar en visible e IR.
El instrumento a desarrollar tiene por nombre ALIOLI (Adaptive and Lucky Imaging Optics in a Lightweight Instrument) y es una evolución del instrumento AOLI (Adaptive Optics y Lucky Imager) buscando un instrumento ligero y portátil que pueda ser instalado en diferentes telescopios.
Para este enfoque se concentraron los esfuerzos en seleccionar el sensor de frente de onda (WFS) más adecuado para el instrumento, realizando estudios comparativos de la sensibilidad, la linealidad y el rango dinámico de cada uno de los sensores propuestos. Además, se propone un estudio de la respuesta de cada sensor en función del telescopio, las condiciones atmosféricas y del instrumento de ciencia que se vaya a colocar a posterior. El estudio comparativo incluye resultados de simulación, test en laboratorio utilizando un simulador de telescopio y atmósfera, así como pruebas en telescopio.
Enlace YouTube
Rotation plays an important role in the life of stars and offers a potential diagnostic to infer their ages and that of their planets. This idea is known as gyrochronology, and if properly calibrated, its applications to Galactic, stellar, and exoplanetary astrophysics would be far-reaching. Nevertheless, while potentially fruitful over a wide range of ages and masses, recent results have raised concerns regarding gyrochronology’s applicability. In this talk, I will present the opportunities that the Gaia astrometry has opened to address these issues. First, regarding rotation’s classical calibrators, I will illustrate the impact that removing the non-member contamination has on the rotational sequences of open clusters. Second, I will present a novel method that tests the state-of-the-art gyrochronology relations in under-explore domains using wide binary stars. Finally, I will discuss the prospects for expanding the existing rotational constraints in unprecedented regimes using data from the TESS mission.
Upcoming talks
- Dark satellites as cosmological probes and gamma-ray dark matter targetsDr. Miguel Ángel Sánchez CondeThursday January 30, 2025 - 10:30 GMT (Aula)
- Caracterización de curvas de luz de supernovas superluminosas ricas en hidrógeno.Dr. Priscila PessiThursday February 6, 2025 - 10:30 GMT (Aula)