Found 132 talks archived in Stars

Thursday May 29, 2008
Dr. Antonio Sollima
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain


I present the first results of a long term project devoted to the study of the evolution of the binary population in globular clusters. Using deep ACS@HST images of a sample of 13 globular clusters I estimated the fraction of binaries in the cores of these clusters. From a theoretical side, I developed a simplified analytical code which simulates the evolution of the properties of the binary population in a dynamically evolving globular cluster. The comparison between theory and observations allows to evaluate the efficiency of the various processes of binary formation and destruction in these stellar systems and their dependence on the main cluster structural and dynamical parameters.

Tuesday April 29, 2008
Prof. Hans-G. Ludwig
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, France


In the EU funded Marie Curie Excellence Team CIFIST (Cosmological Impact of the FIrst STars) work is under way to construct 3D radiation-hydrodynamical model atmospheres for late-type dwarfs and giants, in particular of low metallicity. I will present an overview of the present state of the efforts, discuss some applications of the models, and point to necessary future developments.

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