Recent Talks

List of all the talks in the archive, sorted by date.

Tuesday November 17, 2015
Dr. Tomaso Belloni
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy


Lecture 3:
- BHB time variability
- Evolution of transients
- BH states

Monday November 16, 2015
Dr. Tomaso Belloni
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy


Lecture 2:
- High-energy emission
- BHB spectra

Monday November 16, 2015
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrara
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and University of Maryland, College Park, USA


Lecture 2:
- Brief history of space-based gamma-ray astronomy
- Detecting gamma rays
- Fermi mission and instruments

Monday November 16, 2015
Dr. Elizabeth Ferrara
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and University of Maryland, College Park, USA


Lecture 1:
- Gamma-ray production in various source classes
- Producing variability on the gamma ray regime

Monday November 16, 2015
Dr. Tomaso Belloni
Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy


Lecture 1:
- Accretion onto compact objects
- X-ray binaries
- Black-hole binaries (BHB)
- X-ray pulsars

Friday November 13, 2015
Dr. Danny Steeghs
University of Warwick, UK


Lectures 5 & 6:
- Multi-wavelength aspects
- Fast spectroscopy
- Spectroscopy analysis demo

Friday November 13, 2015
Dr. Danny Steeghs
University of Warwick, UK


Lectures 5 & 6:
- Multi-wavelength aspects
- Fast spectroscopy
- Spectroscopy analysis demo

Friday November 13, 2015
Prof. Vik Dhillon
University of Sheffield, UK


Lecture 4: ULTRACAM data reduction pipeline
- Demonstration of how to reduce photometric data using the ULTRACAM pipeline software.

Friday November 13, 2015
Prof. Vik Dhillon
University of Sheffield, UK


Lecture 3: HiPERCAM
- How can we improve ULTRACAM and what would this enable us to do?
- Eliminating atmospheric scintillation noise: Conjugate-plane photometry
- Instrumentation for high-speed photometry III: HiPERCAM

Friday November 13, 2015
Dr. Julian Malzac
University of Toulouse, France


Lecture 4: Models for the variable multi-wavelength emission of black hole
binaries:  compact jets
- standard jet spectral model and the problem of dissipation in jets
- the internal shock model: multi-wavelength spectral and timing properties
- IR/optical QPOs from jet precession
- IR/opt/X-ray fast timing correlations as a probe for the coupled dynamics of accretion and ejection