Seminarios de Instrumentación
The Havana Syndrone: How microwaves can affect our brain (part 2)
In September 2015 Roger Hoyland gave two talks on the nature of everyday equipment using microwaves and giving special attention in the latter to mobile phones. Now, 7 years on, he presents the latest findings about the effects mobile phones have on the brain. In addition to this update he introduces the effect now known as the Havana Syndrome. This is a different mechanism to those previously discussed in which microwaves can affect the brain and to some people the belief is that it has be weaponised by certain entities so that it can be used in covert war operations as is suspected in the Havana Syndrome. In this presentation the Havana Syndrome is explained and the accusation that it is caused by a microwave source is investigated using scientific basis.
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Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
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