A systematic search for highly-evolved post period-minimum cataclysmic variables. The case of SSS J122221.7-311525 - the most-evolved CV known to date
According to standard evolutionary theory, cataclysmic variables (CV) evolve from longer to shorter orbital periods until a minimum period P_min is reached.
The period bouncers are such CVs that have passed beyond P_min and are evolving back toward longer periods, with the donor star now extremely dim.
This has long been predicted to be the "graveyard" and current state of 70% of all CVs, though only about a dozen of more or less robust candidates for
such period bouncer systems have been identified until now, out of a thousand of known CVs.
In this talk I will discuss the various methods by which such post period-minimum CVs can be recognized, and will also highlight recent progress in this field.
Sobre la charla
University of Turku & University of Oulu (Finland)

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