Research Division Seminar
SMACK 21: Introduction to Slurm@IAC

Dr. Ángel de Vicente


Slurm Workload Manager (formerly known as Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM), or simply Slurm, is a free and open-source job scheduler for Linux and Unix-like kernels, used by many of the world's supercomputers and computer clusters.

While Slurm has been used at the IAC in the LaPalma supercomputer and deimos/diva for a long time, we are now starting to also use it in public "burros" (and project burros that request it), in order to ensure
a more efficient and balanced use of these powerful (but shared amongst many users) machines.

While using Slurm is quite easy, we are aware that it involves some changes for users. To help you understand how Slurm works and how to best use it, in this talk I will focus on: why we need queues; an introduction to Slurm usage; Slurm configuration in LaPalma/diva/burros;
use cases (including interactive jobs); ensuring a fair usage amongst users and an efficient use of the machines; etc.

[If you are already a Slurm user and have specific questions/comments, you can post them in the #computing/slurm stream in IAC-Zulip ( and I'll try to cover them during the

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SMACK 21: Introduction to Slurm@IAC
Dr. Ángel de Vicente
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)
Tuesday September 19, 2023 - 12:30 GMT+1  (Aula)
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