Research Division Seminar
Cosmic rays in galaxies and beyond: from local impacts to their cosmic journey

Ellis Owen


Cosmic rays interact with astrophysical systems over a broad range of scales. They go hand-in-hand with violent, energetic astrophysical environments, and are an active agent able to regulate the evolution and physical conditions of galactic and circum-galactic ecosystems. Depending on their energy, cosmic rays can also escape from their galactic environments of origin, and propagate into larger-scale cosmological structures. In this talk, I will discuss the impacts of cosmic rays retained in galaxies. I will show that they can deposit energy and momentum, modify the circulation of baryons around galaxies, and have the potential to regulate long-term galaxy evolution. I will highlight some of the astrophysical consequences of contained hadronic and leptonic cosmic rays in and around galaxies, how their influence can be probed using signatures ranging from sub-mm to X-rays and gamma-rays, and the opportunities soon to open-up that will allow us to pin-down the multi-scale effects of cosmic rays in galaxies near and far. I will also discuss what happens to the cosmic rays that escape from galaxies, including their interactions with the magnetized large-scale structures of our Universe, and the fate of distant high-energy cosmic rays that do not reach us on Earth. 

About the talk

Cosmic rays in galaxies and beyond: from local impacts to their cosmic journey
Ellis Owen
Osaka University
Thursday September 19, 2024 - 10:30 GMT+1  (Aula)
en     en
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