Research Division Seminar
MAAT@GTC: A new Integral-Field Spectroscopy mode for OSIRIS on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS
MAAT is a visitor mirror-slicer optical module that will allow the OSIRIS spectrograph on the 10.4-m Gran telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) the capability to perform Integral-Field Spectroscopy (IFS) over a seeing-limited FoV 14.20" × 10" with a slice width of 0.303". MAAT@GTC will enhance the resolution power of OSIRIS by 1.6 times as compared to its 0.6 wide long-slit. All the eleven OSIRIS grisms and volume-phase holographic gratings will be available to provide broad spectral coverage with moderate resolution (R=600 up to 4100) in the 3600 − 10000 AA wavelength range. MAAT unique observing capabilities will broaden its use to the needs of the community to unveil the nature of most striking phenomena in the universe well beyond time-domain astronomy. The GTC equipped with OSIRIS+MAAT will also play a fundamental role in synergy with other
facilities, some of them operating on the northern ORM at La Palma.
I will present different aspects of MAAT@GTC - including scientific and technical specifications, outstanding science cases, and an outline of the instrument concept.
About the talk
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía CSIC
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