Found 21 talks width keyword Grantecan, GTC

Friday March 8, 2024
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El objetivo de esta charla es presentar los recientes avances del sistema de Óptica Adaptativa de GTC (GTCAO). Se resumirán los resultados de las pruebas de aceptación en la sala AIV en abril de 2023; las dificultades y el éxito del transporte al ORM y la instalación en GTC en junio de 2023; la integración del sistema con el control del telescopio y los primeros resultados de las campañas de commissioning en cielo. Se repasará también brevemente el estado del resto de proyectos del programa, en concreto el sistema de Estrella Guía Láser y el instrumento GRANCAIN.

Tuesday May 9, 2023
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University of Hawaii + IAC


What would a 35m-scale narrow field-of-view telescope look like that is designed for high dynamic range direct imaging science? The EU has charged the IAC in a 5 year program to explore and develop the concepts and technologies that could make such a ground-based telescope possible. From tensegrity mechanics to astrophotonic wavefront sensing and control in Fizeau optics, the IAC and IACTEC "Laboratory for Innovation in Optomechanics (LIOM)" is just now starting these research activities. This talk will outline the motivation, concepts, and prototypes that LIOM and the IAC will advance over the next few years.

Thursday July 14, 2022
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With the aim of detecting cosmological gas accretion onto galaxies of the local Universe, we examined the Ha emission in the halo of the 164 galaxies in the field of view of MUSE-Wide (Urrutia+19) with observable Ha (redshift < 0.42).  An exhaustive screening of the Ha images led us to select 118 reliable Ha emitting gas clouds. To our surprise, around 38 % of the time the Ha line profile shows a double peak centered at the rest-frame of the corresponding galaxy. We have explored several physical scenarios to explain this Ha emission, among which accretion disks around rogue  intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) fit the observations best. I will describe the data analysis (to discard, e.g, instrumental artifacts and high redshift interlopers), the properties of the Ha emitting clumps (their fluxes, peak separation, and spatial distribution with respect to the central galaxy), and the arguments leading to the IMBH hypothesis rather than other alternatives (e.g., cosmological gas, expanding bubbles, or shocks in the circum galactic medium).

Friday March 26, 2021
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Durante el presente seminario hablaremos sobre el estado actual del banco óptico GTCAO. Se hará énfasis en las tareas mecánicas en curso referentes a las instalaciones auxiliares para la integración y comisionado del banco, planteando problemáticas generales de las tareas y soluciones adoptadas.




Enlace Youtube:

Friday March 12, 2021
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A la hora de planificar un proyecto la gestión de las dependencias técnicas entre tareas ya supone un desafío.  Añadamos a la coctelera las dependencias circunstanciales y, por qué no, sumerjamos el experimento en una organización matricial donde todos los miembros del equipo trabajan en varios proyectos.


Friday February 12, 2021
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Université Paris-Saclay


In this talk, I will start by briefly presenting the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and the Laboratoire Charles Fabry, where I conduct my research. Then I will explain the principle of adaptive optics and discuss some issues related to the control of AO systems. This will lead to the general ideas behind high-performance control. In particular, I will explain why high-performance control can outperform the standard integrator. Some results of on-sky experiments will be shown, and I will conclude the talk by presenting our PhD students working through research collaborations.



Friday January 29, 2021
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Al objeto de incrementar la cobertura de cielo proporcionada por el sistema de óptica adaptativa de GTC, durante los últimos 4 años se ha estado trabajando en la incorporación de un sistema de estrella guía láser de Sodio. A través de esta charla se repasará el estado actual del proyecto enfatizando aquellos aspectos relacionados con el sistema óptico de lanzamiento de la estrella guía. 


Friday December 11, 2020
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HORUS (High ResolUtion Spectrograph) es un espectrógrafo de alta resolución, instrumento visitante en GTC y disponible para la comunicad científica desde prinicipios de 2019. Instalado en la plataforma Nasmyth B, detrás de OSIRIS, comparte foco con él. En esta charla se describe su software de control, resaltando la implementación realizada para ser un instrumento visitante de GTC y cómo se ha resuelto el problema del apuntado de un objeto.

Tuesday September 29, 2020
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The formation and evolution of planets in general is closely linked to the life of their host star. What happens to the planetary systems at the end stages of the life cycle of their star has been one of the questions that have received attention from a theoretical point of view but has had a lack of real life examples to study. Among more than 4000 known exoplanets to date only a few of these objects have been found orbiting around pulsars, but so far we have found nothing that resembles what our own solar system will be like long after the Sun leaves the main sequence.

In this talk we will discuss the recent announcement by A. Vanderburg et al. of a giant planet candidate detected by the transit method orbiting around a white dwarf. The candidate was discovered using data from the space-based NASA mission TESS and confirmed using GTC, Spitzer, and other ground-based facilities. We will talk about the role that GTC played in this discovery, the peculiarity of this candidate system, and the possibility of detecting atmospheres in rocky planets orbiting around white dwarfs.

Zoom link:
Youtube link:

Thursday December 3, 2015
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Job Manager for the LGS Systems Research and Development at ESO


In collaboration with member states institutes, the use of the synergies with ESO is producing first important results in the R&D for Laser Guide Star adaptive optics, to be used for the large and extremely large telescope projects.

In this talk we will report on the preliminary results of the current campaign on LGS return flux with laser guide stars at Observatorio de el Teide and the foreseen tests of the EELT LGS-AO scheme, to be done at the WHT starting in summer 2016. An outlook will be given on the proposal for further feasibility tests at WHT in 2018-19, to experiment novel LGS-AO schemes using uplink beam correction and pyramid wavefront sensing. The demonstration is for a LGS-AO scheme giving high Strehl on the EELT and adaptive optics in the visible on 8m class telescopes.

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