Found 6 talks width keyword rotation curve

Thursday June 15, 2023


Using CGMS deep integral field data we have discovered that the massive galaxy NGC 1277 has no dark matter. This is the first time that a galaxy as massive as the Milky Way or more is found to be dark matter deficient. This result is unexpected within the Lambda-CDM cosmological paradigm. We propose several alternatives to explain this intriguing observation but none is completely satisfactory, so the mystery about how to generate a galaxy without dark matter remains.


ID: 818 9512 1297

Passcode: 460746


Thursday May 25, 2023


One of the most active areas of research of the last decade is undoubtedly the study of the effects of baryons on the observed dynamics of galaxies. This particularly led to the establishment of some fundamental scaling relations, which characterise the dependence of the abundance of baryons on the properties of galaxies' dark matter haloes. Among these fundamental relations, the stellar–to-halo mass relation appears to be one of the most investigated.
In this talk, I will present the less commonly explored neutral hydrogen-to-halo mass relation constructed using high-quality extended HI rotation curves of isolated rotationally-supported disk galaxies, selected from the SPARC and LITTLE THINGS databases. I will discuss how we constrain the dark matter halo of these galaxies using a Navarro-Frenk-White cuspy density profile and a semi-analytic Dekel-Zhao density profile and how we investigate the scaling relations between baryons and halo parameters.

Tuesday September 13, 2022


Cosmological observations (redshifts, cosmic microwave background radiation, abundance of light elements, formation and evolution of galaxies, large-scale structure) find explanations within the standard Lambda-CDM model, although many times after a number of ad hoc corrections. Nevertheless, the expression ‘crisis in cosmology’ stubbornly reverberates in the scientific literature: the higher the precision with which the standard cosmological model tries to fit the data, the greater the number of tensions that arise. Moreover, there are alternative explanations for most of the observations. Therefore, cosmological hypotheses should be very cautiously proposed and even more cautiously received.

There are also sociological and philosophical arguments to support this scepticism. Only the standard model is considered by most professional cosmologists, while the challenges of the most fundamental ideas of modern cosmology are usually neglected. Funding, research positions, prestige, telescope time, publication in top journals, citations, conferences, and other resources are dedicated almost exclusively to standard cosmology. Moreover, religious, philosophical, economic, and political ideologies in a world dominated by anglophone culture also influence the contents of cosmological ideas.

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Weizmann Institute


Gravitational dynamical friction affecting the orbits of globular clusters (GCs) was studied extensively as a possible formation mechanism for nuclear star clusters in galaxies. In well-known examples that showcase this phenomenon, like the Milky Way and M31 galaxies, the medium which affects the dynamical friction is dominated by bulge stars. In comparison, the case for dynamical friction in dark matter-dominated systems is much less clear. A puzzling example is the Fornax dwarf galaxy, where the observed positions of GCs have long been suspected to pose a challenge for dark matter, dynamical friction theory, or both. We search for additional systems that are dark matter-dominated and contain a rich population of GCs, offering a test of the mechanism. A possible example is the ultra diffuse galaxy NGC5846-UDG1: we show that GC photometry in this galaxy provide evidence for the imprint of dynamical friction, visible via mass segregation. If confirmed by future analyses of more GC-rich UDG systems, these observations could provide a novel perspective on the nature of dark matter.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Imperial College


Bosonic ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) in the mass range m ~ $10^{-22} - 10^{-21} \rm eV$ has been invoked as a motivated candidate with new input for the small-scale `puzzles' of cold dark matter. Numerical simulations show that these models form cored density distributions at the center of galaxies ('solitons'). These works also found an empirical scaling relation between the mass of the large-scale host halo and the mass of the central soliton. We show that this relation predicts that the peak circular velocity of the outskirts of the galaxy should approximately repeat itself in the central region. Contrasting this prediction to the measured rotation curves of well-resolved near-by galaxies, we show that ULDM in the mass range m ~ $10^{-22} - 10^{-21} \rm eV$ is in tension with the data.

Tuesday April 27, 2021
Observatorie Astronomique de Strasbourg



It is widely understood that galaxies use, throughout the Hubble time, only a small fraction of the baryons associated to their dark matter halos to form stars. Such low baryon-to-stars conversion efficiencies are expected in galaxy formation scenarios where stellar & AGN feedback play a key role in regulating star formation in galaxies, respectively at the low- and high-mass end.
In this talk I will show how we can constrain this scenario using galaxy dynamics. Both robust determinations of disc dynamical scaling relations (e.g. Tully-Fisher, mass-size) and accurate measurements of dark matter halo masses from HI rotation curves of spirals and from the kinematics of globular clusters around ellipticals, provide compelling evidence that the population of massive spirals has systematically larger baryon-to-stars conversion efficiencies than ellipticals. In fact, we see that the baryon-to-stars conversion efficiency monotonically increases with mass for late-type galaxies, while it shows a clear turn over at about L* only for early-type galaxies. Thus, while massive early types are compatible with standard stellar-to-halo mass relations based on abundance matching, massive late types are systematically discrepant from it.
I will discuss the possible repercussions that these results have, highlighting in particular what they imply in terms of AGN feedback and merging in galaxies of different types. Finally I will show that current state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulations (EAGLE, TNG) still struggle to reproduce what we observe for the most massive discs.

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