Research Division Seminar
Understanding the matter distribution in the Universe on small scales

Prof. Kentaro Nagamine
See the live streaming of this talk on Thursday March 21, 10:30 GMT).


In the field of modern cosmological studies, we like to think that we live in an era of "precision cosmology." However, our understanding of matter distribution on small scales is not quite there yet. This limitation stems from the feedback effects of supernovae and supermassive black holes, which alter the matter distribution on scales smaller than a few Mpc and impact star formation and galaxy evolution. I will discuss how surveys such as Subaru-PFS and DESI will enhance our understanding of the Universe's matter distribution. By observing galaxies and AGNs, we can infer the distribution of dark matter, gas, and metals with the support of theoretical modeling and numerical simulations. Specifically, I will explain how we can tighten the constraints on matter distribution on small scales and further refine our understanding of the Lambda-CDM model through IGM/CGM tomography and Lyman-alpha forest analysis. 

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Understanding the matter distribution in the Universe on small scales
Prof. Kentaro Nagamine
Osaka University
Thursday March 21, 2024 - 10:30 GMT  (Aula)
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