Research Division Seminar
Preparing for MAAT@GTC: pipeline development for the new OSIRIS+ detector

Dr. David Jones


MAAT is a mirror-slicer integral field unit that will be installed in OSIRIS in 2024, breathing new life into the GTC's work horse instrument. As well as the opportunity to perform spatially-resolved spectroscopy over a field of 10"x7", MAAT will also offer increased signal-to-noise and resolution for point sources with respect to the standard long slit mode.  As part of the preparations for the arrival of MAAT, we have implemented support for the reduction of OSIRIS data into the open-source, python-based spectroscopic reduction package PypeIt. Indeed, with the arrival of the new blue-sensitive CCD, PypeIt is now the only publicly available pipeline that continues to work for OSIRIS. With very little human intervention, PypeIt produces fully calibrated and coadded spectra that are near the Poisson limit for point sources. In this talk, I will present a brief overview of the philosophy behind PypeIt and demonstrate the ease with which OSIRIS data (and soon MAAT data) can be reduced.


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Preparing for MAAT@GTC: pipeline development for the new OSIRIS+ detector
Dr. David Jones
Tuesday February 28, 2023 - 12:30 GMT  (Aula)
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