How to publish a paper in Nature

Prof. Leslie Sage


Nature is one of the world's leading scientific journals, publishing many papers that receive wide attention by the general public. But, Nature is very selective —> < 7% of submitted papers are published. In order to maximize your chances of getting published, papers should present fundamental new physical insights, or startling observations/results. Theory papers pose additional problems, as we want only those papers that are likely to be the correct explanation, and not simply exploring parameter space. The writing should be clear, concise and directed at the level of a graduate course in the subject. I encourage authors to contact me in advance of submission of a paper, both to ascertain the appropriateness of the result for Nature, and to ensure that the writing is close to our standards. Posting to ArXiv is and always has been allowed, but authors should discuss the specifics with their institutional public affairs officers before doing so. Lapses in professional ethics seem to be on the rise? I will discuss some examples, and what we should be doing to keep astronomy clean.

About the talk

How to publish a paper in Nature
Prof. Leslie Sage
Editor Senior Nature, University Maryland, USA
Monday March 29, 2010 - 0:00 GMT+1  (Aula)
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About the speaker

View Dr. Leslie Sage's  interview at the IAC.

Leslie Sage is the astronomy editor of Nature. His research is generally in the area of gas content and star formation in other galaxies, based on observations of HI, CO and other molecular tracers.